Hans Vangsø – 1950
The Academy of Fine Arts, Århus, Denmark. 1972-76
Solo exhibitions since 2000:
- Galerie Besson (London, 2004, 2009)
- Galleri Nørby (Copenhagen, 2003)
- Galerie DM Sarver (Paris, 2002)
- Carlin Gallery (Paris, 2005)
- Kaolin (Stockholm, 2006)
- Puls Galerie (Bruxelles, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2017)
- Galleri Lacoste (Boston, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019)
- Scottish Gallery (Edinburg, 2012)
- Galleri Pagter (Kolding, 2013)
- Oxford Ceramics Gallery (Oxford, 2013, 2016, 2018)
- Hu Gallery (Nagoya, Japan, 2015)
- Sasama Ceramic Festival (Japan, 2017)
- A Petersen (Copenhagen, 2019)
Joint exhibitions since 2000:
- Sigtuna Museum (Sweden, 2001)
- From the Kilns of Denmark (New York, 2002)( Berlin, 2004)(Paris, 2004)
- Collect, Victoria and Albert Museum (London, 2006, 2007)
- Work-Snyderman Galleries (Philadelphia, USA, 2007)(SOFA, 2009)
- Galleri Profilen (Aarhus, Denmark, 2013, 2016)
- Centre Ceramique Contemporaine (La Borne, France, 2012)
- Meister der Moderne (Munich, Germany, 2013)
- Nicolai Art and Design (Kolding, Denmark, 2014)
- Danish Ceramics, 100 years (Paris, 2018)
Works in public collections:
- The National Art Foundation of Denmark
- The National Art Foundation of Sweden
- Museum of Design (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- The Carlsberg Collection (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Trapholt Museum og Fine Arts (Kolding, Denmark)
- Clay, Museum of Ceramics (Denmark)